Study Programs in Ukraine
Preparatory Year
Various Ukrainian universities offer study programs in the preparatory year. These programs were established in coordination with the Ukrainian Ministry of Higher Education to be a bridge that facilitates the student’s adaptation process and readiness to engage in his university educational path.
What is the preparatory year program?
The preparatory year program is an optional program, unlike the rest of the countries in which it is considered compulsory, and its duration ranges between 6 and 10 months, in which the student receives daily classes in the language of his choice (Ukrainian – English) as well as in which he gets reinforcement lessons in the subjects related to his future specialization, Such as chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, geography, history and computer science.
What distinguishes the preparatory year program?
The most important characteristic of the preparatory year program is its focus on strengthening the student’s language, and whatever the future language of the student’s study, the preparatory year gives him a greater opportunity to integrate with society and obtain great results, especially during the practical programs and classes during the study. For example, we find that the medical student will be able during His presence in training sessions in hospitals from dealing and communicating with Ukrainian patients (who are not fluent in the English language) because of what he studied during the preparatory year, while the student who is not studying for the preparatory year suffices to watch and listen to the explanation and steps of the supervising teacher inside the hospital and this example is measured on all specialties
Study price
The price of studying the preparatory year in Ukrainian universities
Preparatory Year
English / Russian / Ukrainian-
A distinguished university
Tuition fees are included
Administrative fees
Medicine program
One of the good options that you can consider is studying medicine in Ukraine. So that Ukraine emerges as one of the European countries that comply with the standards of higher education within the European continent and are accredited by many European countries.
The specialty of medicine will allow you to benefit from the educational and material advantages offered by Ukrainian universities, in addition to a good educational level. Ukraine can be considered as one of the suitable destinations if you are looking for good education, flexibility on the level of acceptance with a reasonable cost of study.
The Prices

Medicine is defined as the specialty concerned with diagnosing disease conditions and providing treatment. In addition to preventing diseases with many medical methods.
The medical profession was considered one of the pioneering professions in ancient, medieval and modern times, where humans used to apply medicine, but without prior scientific knowledge. He was dependent on herbs, stones, and natural resources available at the time. This led, after the passage of time, to the start of inventions and medical treatments. They were Avicenna and Al-Razi among the first doctors and inventors in the world, and then universities began to open their doors to future doctors.

The specialty of medicine aims to prepare its graduates for the science concerned with human health, and the diseases, injuries, or ailments that affect his body, his psyche, or even the environment in which he lives, and find a cure for him. Also, medicine deals with discovering new diseases, finding treatments for them, and rationalizing people to prevent them.
Personal traits of pioneer medicine
If you want to become a doctor in the future, you should have the following qualities:
1. Scientific research.
2. Academic excellence and high grades.
3. The ability to empathize with patients.
4. The ability to focus and pay attention.
5. Communication skills.
6. Love of help, and teamwork.
7. A sense of responsibility, and safety.
8. Striving for development.
9. Accuracy, and attention to detail.
10. Always ready to help.
11. Joviality to improve patients' psyche.
12. Planning and organizational skills.
13. For honesty, and a sense of responsibility.
14. Fluency in English.
15. High preservation capacity.
16. Good background in scientific subjects such as chemistry, biology, and mathematics. Physical and psychological health, as medicine requires long hours of work. In addition to dealing with the psyche of various patients.
17. The ability to solve problems.
18. Quick-wittedness and the ability to act.
19. The ability to travel.
20. The ability to work at night.
21. The ability to withstand pressure.
22. Tolerance, and not being affected too much by psychological states.
23. Take into account the feelings of others.
24. Knowing how to deal with risks.
25. Good thinking.
26. Social personality.
The following list also presents some of the characteristics that will qualify a doctor to be successful
Doctors must have some characteristics that distinguish them from others, such as:
The ability to solve problems and deal with risks quickly by providing advice to patients, and treating them with the required speed and accuracy.
Follow-up: To monitor the patient’s condition and the changes that occur throughout his illness.
Sincerity and honesty: To be loyal in his work and love his profession so that he can treat patients with love, honesty, and trust.
Accuracy: to accurately diagnose disease cases to avoid errors; Because medical errors may lead to death or injury.
Humanity and cheerfulness: by being able to improve the patients ‘psyche because psychology plays a big role and affects the patients’ physical health
Participate in medical events that occur in the community such as medical seminars, exhibitions, lectures, and seminars, in addition to discussions.
Knowing that the specialty of medicine may not suit you if you are nervous, calf, and irritable, have a phobia of blood, cannot cope, and are quickly affected by human situations, and you feel disgusted by some scenes, and you do not have a good background in scientific subjects, and chaotic.

Medicine and its subspecialties The specialty of medicine has four branches, and more than 25 specialties Medical branches:
Preventive Medicine
Curative medicine
Rehabilitation medicine
Alternative medicine
Medical specialties:
General Medicine
Heart Surgery
nuclear medicine
Kidney disease
Endocrine diseases
Emergency Medicine
Brain surgery
Ophthalmic medicine
Veterinary Medicine
natural therapy
Medical tests
Spinal diseases
Administration hospitals
organ transplant
skin diseases
Muscle diseases
Plastic surgeries
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Respiratory medicine
Mental and psychological illnesses
Cancer and various tumors
Ear, nose and throat diseases
Orthopedic, joint and cartilage medicine
Internal medicine and gastroenterology
What are the best and most highly paid medical specialties?

Heart: Approximately $ 400,000 per year.
Oncology: $ 396,000 annually.

General Surgery: $ 336,375 per year.
Vascular surgery: $ 306,635 per year.

Orthopedic surgery: $ 464,500 annually.
Radiology: $ 368,260 annually.

Dermatology: $ 370.952 a year.
Genital Dermatology: 290.752 annually

Study plan for medicine major in Ukraine
The subjects that are taught cannot be limited to the medical specialties, as each discipline contains its own, in-depth material in the field. The subjects that are taught within the study plan for the specialization of dentistry differ from those taught in the specialization of psychiatric and mental illness, for example. With the need to emphasize the possibility of some common materials between medical specialties.
Number of years of studying medicine in Ukraine
Unlike other specialties, in Ukraine all medical specialties take six years. Then the student can specialize in postgraduate studies of medicine.
Demand rate and recession rate for medical specialization
It is certain that the specialty of medicine is required globally and in all times and places, because disease is an unstoppable thing in the world, and we need to maintain our health and our bodies. Although the specialty of medicine is an international specialty, it can be saturated in some countries!
Saturation means that the labor market in the country will become satisfied with this specialization. Consequently, it is difficult for its graduates to find a job. It is required when the labor market in a country needs graduates of this major, and thus, it is easy for them to find a job.

Medicine is classified as a required specialty in Jordan, and the percentage of medical specialties required in Jordan exceeds the saturation in it, and there is no stagnation. Specialization is also saturated in Egypt and is sought after in the Gulf countries, especially health sciences majors such as nursing, human medicine, and veterinary medicine.
Perhaps the most important reasons and advantages that motivate you to go to medicine are the following:
Prestigious position: where the doctor enjoys a prominent social position in all parts of the world, and a high position in society.
Excellent income.
The possibility of advancement at work is not just limited to working in a hospital or clinic.
Get a stable job.
International accreditation: where the medical degree is considered an international certificate that its holder can work with in various parts of the world.
Helping people: Most doctors believe that nothing is more beautiful than helping and treating people and the sick.
Career stability: where the doctor settles into his guaranteed job and is able to develop his skills.
Continuous learning: As doctors continue to learn, acquire skills, knowledge, experience, and information, even after completing the school stage by holding seminars, seminars, discussions, and lectures.
Professional prospects for specialization in medicine Typically, doctors work in the following destinations:

Ministry of Health

Health centers

Medical Research Centers

Private clinics

Engineering program
The study of engineering in Ukraine has become one of the best scientific disciplines that many high school students are looking to study, especially for students who have a passion for thinking outside the box, and are thinking about studying an applied field that does not depend only on memorization. Ukrainian is a goal that many students aspire to, who wish to obtain a good level of education in terms of quality and application, and also to obtain an accredited academic certificate to open the way wide for graduates to enter the labor market strongly.
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering ”or“ Mechanical Engineering ”in English is the specialty concerned with analyzing, designing, and developing systems, mechanical and thermal processes to obtain the best results and the highest efficiency at the lowest costs and the least possible impact on the environment. These processes include HVAC systems, heating systems, structural systems, power systems, sanitary systems, manufacturing, transmission and control. Mechanical engineering is also concerned with all forms and types of energy, because it is fundamentally focused on forces, energy, and motion. It is worth noting that energy is one of the things that are related to all matters of life, such as machinery, aviation, transportation, and industry.
Mechanical engineering began to appear when Newton laid down the most basic laws of physics that led to the emergence of mechanics. Mechanics developed a lot, coinciding with the global development and the Industrial Revolution.

Mechanical engineering began to appear when Newton laid down the most basic laws of physics that led to the emergence of mechanics. Mechanics developed a lot, coinciding with the global development and the Industrial Revolution.
Those wishing to study mechanical engineering must have some personal traits and characteristics, and possess some scientific qualifications, and special and general skills: General skills: Effective communication skills. Self and continuous learning. Computer skills. creativity and innovation. Good level of English language. Time management skill. Special Skills: STEM skills, which are science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills. Analytical and logic skills. Preparing the necessary and periodic reports. Attention to the last detail. Management skills and leadership personality. Academic qualifications: The student must have joined the scientific or industrial track at the secondary school stage. The rate should not be less than 80%.
Find out what mechanical engineering graduates study during their studies: Descriptive Geometry. Engineering Materials. Engineering Materials Lab. Strength of Materials Lab. Dynamics. Strength of Materials. Thermodynamics. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. Mechanical Drawing. Solid Mechanics. Thermodynamics Lab. Theory of Machines. Dynamics of Machinery. Fluid Mechanics. Fluid Mechanics Lab. Machine Design. Heat Transfer Lab. Heat Transfer. Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation. Engineering Measurements and Instrumentation Lab. Automatic Control Systems. Automatic Control Systems Lab. Control Systems Dynamics. Mechanical Vibrations. Dynamics & Vibrations Lab. HVAC. Internal Combustion Engines. Solar Energy. Internal Combustion Engines Lab. The previous list shows the most important subjects that students of this specialization study, knowing that they are only limited to the compulsory subjects of the specialization and the above-mentioned subjects are equivalent to approximately 111 credit hours in the major. As for the remaining hours out of the 160 academic hours, they range from the compulsory university courses, the optional and compulsory specialization courses, the college courses as well, in addition to the free and support courses. And do not forget the graduate project courses, and engineering training for students in their final year.
Graduate studies for the specialization include many fields, of which we will mention some examples: Mechanical Engineering. Industrial Engineering. Mechatronics Engineering. Chemical Engineering. Sustainable Development. Renewable Energy. Conditioning and Cooling.
Most engineering majors take a period of no less than five years, with specialization hours being 160 credit hours.
Gain the skill to solve problems. The existence of a union of engineers. Specialization is in demand in the job market. Get a good income. Mechanical engineers can benefit from their academic experience in their working lives. For example, they can repair electrical machinery and equipment at home based on theoretical and scientific knowledge.

civil engineering
It is one of the most important branches of engineering, and “civil engineering” is known as the engineering study concerned with the study and design of projects and infrastructures that include railways, tunnels, bridges, roads, buildings, and water networks.
You must have the following characteristics that every civil engineer who wants to achieve success in the field of civil engineering must possess, and you can learn about all the steps that lead you towards a promising future in civil engineering:
Teamwork, and cooperation with team work.
Office work skills.
Love field work.
Conducting studies on technical works and analyzing them.
Performance evaluation.
Continuity in submitting periodic reports.
The materials contained in the study plan for the civil engineering major include the following subjects, courses, and courses:
General Chemistry.
Practical Chemistry.
Engineering Mathematics.
Geotechnical Engineering.
Geotechnical Engineering Lab.
Engineering Numerical Methods.
Construction – Structures.
Site Mechanics – Structural Mechanics.
Water engineering – water supply engineering.
Water Engineering Lab – Water Supply Engineering Lab.
Engineering Statistics.
Contracts and Specifications.
Environmental Engineering.
Environmental Engineering Lab.
Pavements Design.
Strength of Materials.
Computer Applications.
Engineering Economy.
Wastewater Engineering – Wastewater Engineering.
Construction Management.
Projects Management.
Introduction to Earthquake Engineering.
Bridges Engineering.
Water Resources Engineering.
Remote Sensing.
Knowing that the method of teaching these materials ranges from lectures, laboratories, ceremonies, and visiting field sites. It is worth noting that these courses are compulsory specialization courses apart from the university’s compulsory and optional subjects, and optional specialization courses, in addition to free and support courses.
Also, these subjects may differ in terms of their names from one country to another, and therefore, from one university to another.
Most majors in the bachelor’s degree take a period of time that ranges from four years to 5 years due to the number of hours and semesters that students pass, except for engineering and medical majors, where civil engineering needs approximately four years and the number of hours in the study plan is 160 credit hours.
Availability of an Engineers Syndicate after their graduation.
The specialty areas of work are very broad.
Civil engineering salaries rise after a long period has lapsed.
Job opportunities rise greatly after an engineer obtains a master’s degree.
The increasing demand for specialization, especially in the Gulf labor market.
Those who obtained a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering can work in the following from the list of jobs and destinations prepared by the VFS platform for you:
Head of the Civil Engineering Department.
General civil engineer.
Scientific and research institutions.
Civil engineering supervisor.
Civil engineer designer.
Head of the Civil Engineering Division.
Civil engineering services of all kinds.
contracting companies.
Real estate banks.
Real estate offices.
Engineering consulting firms.
Environment and Water Laboratories.
Aerospace engineering
“Aeroscope Engineering” is considered one of the main departments that fall under the engineering specializations, regardless of the fact that space engineering is related to the development of aircraft, air and space vehicles. Aerospace engineering consists of two overlapping majors, namely aeronautical engineering and astronautics engineering. The main objective of this specialization is to prepare a generation of engineers capable of creating, developing and maintaining air and space vehicles.
The specialization of space engineering is defined as the study of everything related to the manufacturing, construction, preparation, and maintenance of all flying vehicles such as aircraft, helicopters, spacecraft, and everything related to this field. Where the specialization of Aerospace Engineering is one of the most interesting disciplines, especially in our era, the era of technology.

It is worth noting that the history of this science dates back to the third century AH, and that the first founders of the principle of flight was Abbas Ibn Firnas Then scientists began to manufacture aircraft, and later the disciplines related to aviation and space advanced, and the need for it increased specifically after the world wars and from this point of view, space engineering began with the launch of the first satellite.
The space engineering specialization is developing in line with the development of science and technology, and perhaps this is one of the most important reasons behind making it one of the majors with promising future, and here is the percentage of job demand for this specialization is constantly increasing. Space engineering is also related to more future disciplines, including astronomy.
You must have certain qualities that qualify you to be a space engineer, and these characteristics are as follows:
Creativity, curiosity, and curiosity.
Good thinking, and broad imagination.
Love field work.
Love to work in a team spirit.
Precision, attention to detail.
The ability to take responsibility.
Communication, analysis, planning, organizing, and problem-solving skills.
Academic excellence.
Good level in Mathematics, Chemistry and Physics.
Computer design skills.
Good understanding in aerodynamics, thermodynamics, and mechanical processes.
Knowledge of design techniques and principles of engineering.
Knowledge of metals and alloys used in aircraft.
Knowledge of civil aviation laws and regulations.
The ability to simplify and explain complex matters.
Writing reports for what the specialization requires from submitting reports to aircraft engineers and technicians.
Experience in technical writing, and computer-aided graphic communication.
Desire to develop on systems.
Physical health and fitness.
Space engineering does not fall under other specializations, as space engineering is originally a branch of engineering. However, the space engineering discipline consists of two overlapping main branches:
Aeronautical Engineering.
Aerospace Engineering.
The Aeronautics and Aeronautics Engineering major relates to vehicles located in the atmosphere; Whereas, space engineering relates to vehicles operating outside the Earth’s atmosphere.
Regardless of the fact that these two disciplines overlap, but they differ greatly from each other, as aeronautical engineering focuses on building airplanes, helicopters, and aerial vehicles of all kinds by studying the basics of scientific subjects such as mathematics, physics, and chemistry, and aerospace engineering is exposed to the same materials while focusing more on Vehicles outside the Earth’s atmosphere.
Examples of the subjects that students study in the major in Aerospace Engineering include:
Dynamics of Aerospace Systems.
Control of Aerospace Systems.
Flight Software Systems.
Aerospace Instrumentation and Experimentation.
Aerospace Structures.
Aeronautical Systems Design.
These materials and their names differ from one university to another, and the teaching process includes scientific subjects including, physics, chemistry, mathematics, propulsion, aerodynamics, and sensors, in addition to an introduction to aerospace engineering, site movement, and mechanical engineering drawing, in addition to Gas motion, aerobic movement, and graduation project.
Unlike the rest of the disciplines, all engineering majors in Ukraine take 4 years instead of 5 years, in addition to the graduation project and field training that takes place in an engineering institution. Knowing that the student can specialize after a two-year bachelor’s degree at the university, and he can choose from the following majors:
Aerodynamics: It is the science of aircraft exterior design.
The science of stability and control: It is concerned with the methods of controlling and controlling aircraft, as well as maintaining their stability in the air.
The science of propulsion systems: It is the science that is concerned with the study of aircraft engines.
Structural science: It is the science related to manufacturing aircraft, as well as their structures, and the tools used in that.
Avionics science: It is one that studies aviation, autopilot, navigation systems, radar, and communications.
Work and study in an advanced and developed field.
Highly paid.
The presence of the Engineers Syndicate after graduation.
Prominent social standing.
Traveling to participate in conferences, or to take a test flight as this may be one of the most enjoyable things for some people.
Continuity of demand for specialization with the continued presence of aviation and aircraft.
Work in maintenance of airframes and engines.
Work in aviation academies.
Work in airports and airlines.
Work in project engineering, maintenance, design and manufacturing.
Designing and manufacturing aircraft in developed countries that contain aircraft manufacturing plants.
Design and manufacture of aircraft engines.
Aircraft testing and evaluation and determination of their efficiency.
Work in power plants.
Technology and science companies.
Some of the jobs that are related to an aerospace and aerospace engineering job:
Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
the industrial engineering.
Materials engineering.
Mechanical engineering.
It is worth noting that salaries in the field of aerospace engineering are high, with the average income of space engineers in India being approximately $ 12,000 per year, $ 115,000 in Japan, and more than $ 17,000 in Russia per year.

Alternative Energy Engineering
and Renewable
This specialization is considered one of the branches of engineering, and it is a specialization “Energy Engineering” in English “Energy Engineering” or “Alternative and Renewable Energy” and in English “Alternative and Renewable Energy”. As this specialization studies everything related to energy, such as its generation, transmission, use, and utilization, as energy has become one of the fields of study due to our great need for it.
It deals with all matters related to energy, such as its efficiency, services provided by energy, and how to manage facilities, factories and stations of alternative and renewable energy.
In fact, there is no difference between alternative and renewable energy because both are considered sustainable energy, that is, energy that is not exhausted and that is drawn from natural resources such as wind, sun, water and plants, where energy can be derived through wave movements, tides, and energy. Thermal and some agricultural crops, knowing that these resources are constantly replenished.
Do your personal characteristics qualify you to become an energy engineer?
Make sure that the energy engineering major is right for you if you possess the following characteristics and personality traits:
Analytical skills.
Planning skills.
Logical thinking skills.
Skills of creating modern designs.
Fast decision-making skills.
Good interpersonal and communication skills.
Problem-solving skills and dealing with risks.
Extensive skills in public safety in order to be prepared to deal with risks that may occur during field work.
As for the scientific level, you have to be distinguished scientifically and academically in addition to being good at:
You should also consider the following:
Field work.
Take responsibility.
Physical health and fitness.
Ethics of collaborative and professional work.
The necessity of working within one team.
Enthusiasm and the desire to constantly renew.
Self-development first in all cognitive, scientific, practical and applied aspects.
Geographical knowledge of the location of the workshops with comprehensive and general knowledge of weather and climate conditions.
Writing reports in a simple language, as all engineering disciplines require writing reports using simple language to explain the most complex matters.
The energy engineering major comes alongside other engineering majors that include:
civil engineering
Nuclear engineering
Aerospace engineering
Chemical Engineering
the industrial engineering
Structural engineering
Electrical engineering
Environmental Engineering
Biomedical engineering
Petroleum and natural gas engineering.
Energy engineering is not considered an old discipline because it is not a new science, as it relies on applying theories of mathematics, chemistry, and physics to energy systems in order to transmit and generate energy.
The study content for the Energy Engineering major includes:
Energy Studies.
Energy and Environmental Studies.
Renewable Energy Studies.
New Forms of Renewable Energy – New Types of Renewable Energy.
Industrial Management.
Economic Management.
Computer Aided Engineering.
Electrical or electrical circuits.
Mechanics of Materials.
Fluid Mechanics.
Electrical Machines.
Power Electronics – Power Electronics.
Heat Transfer.
Thermal Science.
Control Systems – Control System.
Equipment and Measurements – Instrumentations and Measurements.
Energy Conversion.
Power Plants Engineering.
Solar Energy.
Wind Energy.
Renewable Energy.
Digital Electronics.
Bio-Energy Technology.
Energy Storage.
Heating and cooling – Refrigeration.
Electromagnets – Electromagnetics.
Power Systems Protection – Power Systems Protection.
These titles, courses and materials may differ from one university to another, and they do not necessarily have to be exactly the same while preserving the content of the specialization and its scientific value. It is worth noting that some of these subjects are taught through one or two tracks, and these subjects are also theoretical and scientific, and the level of these courses also ranges from advanced to non-advanced.
Unlike other majors, the duration of study for this program is 4 academic years, and two years can be added to obtain a master’s degree
Potential for earning very high salaries.
Prominent social position.
Energy is not depleted, as it is renewable and constantly present.
The existence of advantages that all engineers obtain, such as the presence of the Engineers Syndicate.
Speed in owning experience, especially after developing self-knowledge and self-development.
An increase in the need for energy in the future, which leads to an increase in the percentage of graduates of the specialization.
Acquiring many valuable skills, whether in professional, academic or even daily life, such as problem-solving skills.
Working in energy engineering is environmentally friendly and harmless.
Protect human health.
The use of renewable energy improves human livelihoods and reduces poverty.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and their damages.
Renewable energy production helps reduce the percentage of natural disasters that are caused by global warming.
Those who have obtained a degree in energy engineering can work in the following fields:
Power plants.
Industrial companies.
Solar modules.
Thermal power units.
Energy companies.
Electricity companies.
Education Field.
The field of scientific research.
The field of marketing and sales for the purpose of promoting solar heaters, for example.
Contracting companies in order to follow up on engineering projects.
Engineering consulting firms related to renewable and alternative energy.
Scientific laboratories and research laboratories.
Organizations and associations related to sustainability, renewable energy and natural resource conservation.
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Work in schools and universities where chemistry, physics, and mathematics can be taught.
Nuclear engineering
The Nuclear Engineering major aims to empower students with the ability to direct all cognitive competencies and practical skills to contribute to the design, construction, and operation of nuclear plants, and the search for nuclear energy, as this field aims fundamentally to strengthen the nuclear infrastructure.
The specialty “nuclear engineering” or what is called in English “Nuclear Engineering” seeks to explore, and research new sources of energy. It also focuses on practical applications in the field of nuclear energy, nuclear plants, and design of nuclear reactors.
Nuclear engineering is a relatively recent engineering discipline, in addition to being a dangerous discipline on the other hand. Therefore, those who want to pursue this major should think carefully before registering for it.

Obtaining a certificate in the scientific or industrial track in high school.
That the average is not less than 80% in high school.
Talent and personal abilities:
Self-development and continuous learning.
The ability to take responsibility.
work as one team.
Good communication skills.
Logical thinking skills, and analytical skills.
General skills:
Writing skills, as this major calls for writing reports.
Love field work.
Time management skills.
Good command of the English language.
Computer skills.
Dealing with all different groups of people.
Initiative, creativity and innovation.
Supervision and coordination skills.
Specialization skills:
Planning, execution and goal setting skills.
Desire to keep abreast of the developments of specialization and to be in line with its modern information, in addition to following up the latest scientific developments reached by scientific research in this scientific field.
Professional work ethic.
Familiarity with the principles of public safety in order to know how to deal with hazards as soon as they arise in field work.
STEM skills – good level in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
Attention to the smallest details.
Attention to preserving the environment.
It is natural for all universities to teach the major of nuclear engineering in the College of Engineering, and among the most important engineering disciplines similar to the nuclear engineering major are the following:
Civil Engineering.
Industrial Engineering.
Electrical Engineering.
Alternative and Renewable Energy Engineering.
Mechanical Engineering.
Among the most famous programs and departments of nuclear engineering are the following:
Radiological Health.
Nuclear Sciences and Materials.
Compulsory subjects that students of the major should study. The study plans for all majors are designed in different departments that contain several requirements, which are the university’s compulsory and optional requirements, the college’s compulsory and optional requirements, the requirements for specialization as well, in addition to free and support courses.
It is important for you to know, dear reader, that these courses, materials, and courses included in the study plan for the major in nuclear engineering differ from one university to another. The names of these materials may differ from one country to another. Hence, from one university to another.
And now, you can get acquainted with the detailed study plan for studying a major in nuclear engineering, according to one of the leading universities in teaching the specialization in the Arab world:
The first academic year (Preparatory Year for the College of Engineering):
The curriculum for the first year of the College of Engineering includes courses that combine all engineering disciplines, such as basic engineering, principles of mechanics, engineering mathematics, general scientific subjects such as physics and chemistry, calculus, and other basic subjects in engineering disciplines.
While students in the following years begin to study the subjects of the specialization, and they are divided as follows:
The second academic year:
Electric Circuit Analysis.
Electric Circuits Lab.
Mechanics of Materials.
Intermediate Analysis.
Ordinary Differential Equations.
Fundamentals of Nuclear Science.
Ethics & Development of Nuclear Technology.
Engineering Thermodynamics.
Introduction to Linear Systems.
Applied Engineering Statistics.
Introduction to Nuclear Engineering.
The third academic year:
Numerical Methods for Engineers.
Fluid Mechanics.
Economics and Engineering Management.
Engineering Materials.
Engineering Materials Lab.
Ionizing Radiation Detection and Measurement.
Radiation Detection and Measurement Lab.
Signals and Control Systems.
Heat Transfer.
Radiation Protection and Dosimetry.
Nuclear Reactors Theory.
Computational Techniques in Nuclear Engineering.
Fourth academic year:
Thermo Fluid Lab.
Nuclear Reactors Thermal Hydraulics.
Nuclear Reactors Analysis.
Nuclear Power Plant Systems and Operations.
Nuclear Reactor Materials.
Radiation Interactions and Shielding Design.
Nuclear Reactor Lab.
Nuclear Instrumentation & Control.
Fuel Cycle and Waste Management.
Modeling and Simulation of Nuclear Reactors.
Nuclear Engineering Seminar.
Engineering Training.
Nuclear Reactor Safety.
Graduation Project.
Some of the aforementioned materials are distributed over more than one academic course, such as the mechanics of materials, radiation detection and measurement, and more materials.
Some materials are also taught either in lecture halls, laboratories, or even field sites.
Knowing that these subjects are only compulsory specialization requirements in addition to the humanities and social sciences subjects that students must study.
1- Increasing energy alternatives, and this is considered one of the most important positive aspects because the rise in energy alternatives leads in turn to increased productivity, and increased productivity leads to an increase in national income.
2- Specialization aims to reduce the amount of waste.
3- The presence of the Engineers Syndicate.
4- Providing the opportunity for civil engineering graduates to work in various other engineering fields.
5- Get high salaries.
Nuclear engineering graduates can work in the following fields:
Risk assessment, quality assurance.
Project management.
Nuclear license.
Nuclear reactors.
Atomic accelerators.
Nuclear laboratories.
Atomic Energy Agency.
Energy Research Centers.
Natural Resources Authority.
Electric power plants.
Scientific societies such as the Royal Scientific Society.
Pollution control bodies and monitoring nuclear radiation.
National military agencies and security institutions responsible for disclosing nuclear materials.
Medical centers that rely on nuclear energy for most of their applications.
Factories such as the special container factory, such as aircraft factories, and weapons factories.
Geological centers specialized in oil and mineral exploration, such as uranium extraction and enrichment centers.
International companies in the field of nuclear engineeringIn addition to the previously mentioned career prospects for the Nuclear Engineering major, graduates of the specialization can work in world famous companies in the field of nuclear engineering such as:
Babcock Marine
Idaho National Labs
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Business Management
Business Administration program in Ukraine provides knowledge related to a variety of matters related to financial operations, and usually the core curriculum of this academic specialization in Ukraine covers multiple areas such as accounting, finance, marketing, etc. Bachelor’s degree of four years or more at a college or university in Ukraine.
This major is concerned with studying the scientific background and the practical practice of piloting different types of multi-engine aircraft that operate in the transport of goods and passengers.
The study of aviation leadership takes place at the Kirovrad National Aviation Academy, which grants international licenses and is registered with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
1. PPL pilot license for private aviation. Duration of study 6 months The number of flying hours 40 hours on board the K-10 aircraft.

2. Commercial CPL pilot license, duration of study is 18 months. The number of flying hours is 70 hours on board the K-10 aircraft.

3. Bachelor's degree + CPL pilot license, duration of study is 4 years. The number of flying hours is 150 hours on board the K-10 aircraft.